At the height of these uncertain times, a lot of people who are selling a home have asked whether they should continue to sell their home or pull the listing and wait the lockdown out. There’s a reason that so many people are wondering about this: they are nervous and anxious that they are going to hurt their financial well-being.  

But here’s the thing — for most people, now is actually the perfect time to sell your home. This is especially true if you are living in Arlington VA or in one of DC’s hottest neighborhoods, where the market favors sellers at the moment. Home sales are still happening quickly, and this goes double for home owners that are staying informed about their changing home value and working with the right real estate team.  

With that in mind, here are 6 reasons why now is the right time to sell your home, despite COVID-19 lockdowns: 

1. Steady Buyer Demand

Buyer demand has not withered due to coronavirus panic — in fact, the buyers who are staying in the market are more driven than ever, because they want to take advantage of the near-historically low mortgage rates that are available right now. This means that home sales are happening just as fast (if not faster) as they were before the lockdown orders. It also means that sale prices have remained similarly stable, so you can still get a great price from your home.  

One great option for taking advantage of this demand is to look into selling your home off-market. With an off-market sale, you can connect directly with a motivated home buyer and be far more confident that your home will sell in a time frame that works best for you. The right real estate team will be able to match you with a buyer who wants your home — in fact, at the Keri Shull Team, we have over 30,000 such buyers in our network! 

2. Reduced Competition

Like we said earlier, the DC area is a seller’s market right now. That means that you, as a home seller, tend to hold more leverage in negotiations and have a better chance of getting a bidding war going on your home — which can raise the sell price and net you more cash at the closing table. Well right now, it is even more of a seller’s market! 

Because many home owners have chosen to delay or pull their listings, there are fewer homes on the market than normal — but buyers are still driven to find their new home. This combination leads to you having even more leverage as a seller, which could help you sell your home for a better price or faster than you would be able to a few months ago. 

3. Offers coming in faster than ever

When you take points #1 and #2 into consideration, it might not be surprising to hear that home owners are seeing offers come in on their homes faster than ever. The people who need to buy a home are moving quickly, after all. This is great news if you are interested in selling your home fast! 

Sometimes, however, you want or need to sell your home even faster than the current market allows. Current home sales in the DC area can be as fast as 22 days on average — but what if that still isn’t fast enough? 

Luckily, there is a great way to sell your home with zero hassle, in as little as 24-48 hours. At the Keri Shull Team, we created an Instant Offer program that allows us to put an offer in on your home in just two days. So if you are worried about your home remaining on the market too long, or if you need to sell your home as fast as possible, then we have you covered with the Instant Offer system! 

4. Rising Home Values

Here’s a fact about the DC real estate market: home values are on the rise, despite the stay-at-home orders. The DMV is one of the fastest-growing areas in the country, and that growth is spurring home values to steadily rise. This increase is also supported by the progress on Amazon’s HQ2 project in Arlington, which will be bringing jobs to people living in Alexandria VA, Arlington, and DC over the next few years. 

This means that your home might be worth far more than you know, especially if you haven’t taken a chance to check your home’s value in a while. It’s possible that now could be the perfect time to take advantage of your rising property value by selling your home to a motivated buyer.  

5. Move-up opportunities

So what do you do after you sell a home? In most cases, people decide to buy and sell a house at the same time. This situation, where you sell one house and purchase another one that is larger, more valuable, or better suited to your needs, is called being a move-up buyer.  

Working from home and self-isolating is making many people question whether they are outgrowing their homes. If the current stay-at-home orders have you wondering the same thing, then you’re in luck! The state of the market right now is very conducive to moving up to a new property, for all the reasons listed above.  

Of course, being a move-up buyer can be a stressful situation, especially if you are worried about making common move-up buying mistakes. That’s why it’s important to work with a team that can offer a move-up buyer guarantee — this guarantee is designed to protect you and put your mind at ease so you can sell and buy a home with minimal stress. We created this guarantee because we know that it is our duty to protect your best interests as a home seller. 

On that note... 

6. Star agents watching out for you

The final thing to consider when deciding whether or not to continue selling your home during these uncertain times is that you can have local experts in your corner! At the Keri Shull Team, we are committed to protecting your health, both physically and financially.  

Local lawmakers have decided that real estate is an essential business, but we are still doing everything possible to protect you and your home from exposure. We offer Virtual Home Selling Consultations so you can learn more about your value and build a home selling plan without having to leave your home. We also are providing masks, gloves, and other protective equipment to all of our clients during home showings and limiting showings to groups of no more than 10 people.  

We are doing these things because we know that it might be in your financial best interest to sell your home right now, and we know that protecting your financial health can be as vital as protecting your physical health.   

Sell Your Home With Confidence

If you want to learn more about whether right now is the right time for you to sell your home, then contact the Keri Shull Team today! We have home value experts standing by to help you create a customized home selling plan so you can list and sell your home faster, for a better price, and with absolutely 0 extra stress! To get started and meet one of these experts, just click here today and schedule a time to talk with us!