Some real estate agents treat the winter holiday season as a month long vacation: putting clients and marketing work on hold while they book flights and sunbathe.

Most real estate teams in the DMV think of December as a slow month, but the Keri Shull and Orange Line Living team is busy helping more clients than ever as we close in on our goal of completing 500 home transactions in 2018 — we’re at 499 homes sold in 2018 as of this writing!

While we do believe agents should occasionally take time to recharge, serious home buyers continue searching for homes year-round. Sellers have sensitive time windows in which they need to sell their homes. We’re not going to leave anyone out in the cold. That’s why we have a team of specialists — so we always agents and support staff available to help.

This holiday season, our staff is still:

  • Hosting open houses

  • Representing clients in negotiations

  • Decking out homes with highly visible signage

  • Marketing our clients’ homes to prospective buyers

  • Taking buyers on tours of our exclusive off-market properties

  • Calling prospects every day, reaching out to sellers and buyers alike

  • Recruiting and hiring for multiple positions

This December, we even hosted a seminar packed with information for other real estate agents and teams featuring Grant Cardone, Billy Gene, the Lab Coat Agents, and other great real estate and marketing minds. We’re invested not only in helping our own clients, we’re also educating and elevating real estate agents and teams nationwide.

When we do finally pack up our phones and laptops and take a trip, it’ll be because we worked hard and hit our goal for the number of home buyers and sellers helped.

Is your real estate agent representing your interests this holiday season? Or are they just on cruise control until January?

Contact us if you’re searching for a home or seeking to sell yours this holiday season!