How Long Does It Take to Build a New House?

Ask any real estate agent who specializes in helping people build new construction homes, and they are sure to list this among the most common questions that people ask themselves when building a house. A lot of people who are building a customized dream home get very concerned about the time frame of their new home build — but why is this the case? This inquiry is so popular for a few reasons: 

1. Speed is everything in real estate.

 Almost everyone wants to know how to sell their home fast, no matter what; or, they want to learn the best time to buy a house to get a good deal. Moving quickly is often tantamount to getting the best deal when it comes to the housing market. This is why we caution people against believing the myth that taking your time will let you sell for more when listing your home, for instance! Although this rule of thumb (that is, that faster is better in real estate) is true in almost any market, it is particularly important in competitive markets. This means that in places like Washington DC’s hottest neighborhoods, where homes sell quickly and for a high price, speed is absolutely key. Of course, this attitude isn’t limited to people who are buying or selling a home. For those who are interested in building a home on an existing lot, this sense of urgency is equally present. And while it’s true that you won’t be competing with anyone else when building a home, the attitude of striving for speed is often present nonetheless. 

2. People want to get into their dream home ASAP!

Building a home is an exciting process! So, while it’s important to spend time asking questions about how to save money when building a house, it’s not shocking that a lot of people get caught up in the anticipation of getting their customized dream house! Of course, it’s important to set realistic expectations for yourself when building a home. With that in mind, let’s look at the factors that come into play to determine how long it will take to build your home!

Your Home Builder

One of the most important decisions that you will make when constructing a home is choosing the right home builder. We recommend that you interview with multiple builders before you make a final decision, so you can ensure that you are working with the right team.  Before you actually start interviewing the experts, make sure that you learn the questions to ask your builder. By getting the important information up front, you are able to set your expectations correctly when it comes to pricing and timeline. So not only will this allow you to figure out how much it costs to build a house, but it will elucidate the time frame as well.   Finding the right home builder is one of the most vital parts of building your own home. Not only will their pricing strategy help you figure out whether it is cheaper to buy or build a house in your case, but it will be key to getting the home in on a timeline that works for you.  Of course, construction on your home can’t start until you have somewhere to build it.  

Finding Your Lot

You might think that it’s obvious how important finding the right lot for your home is — but you would be surprised to see how many people overlook the effects of this decision! No matter how long your builder tells you construction will take, you have to add in the time of finding and winning a plot of land. Depending on where you are building a new construction home — and what you are looking for in a lot — this could be a rather long process. Make sure you do some research on your local real estate market (or work with an expert real estate agent) and factor that time into your home building schedule.  Keep in mind, this includes more than simply the time it takes to find the land. There are also some time and money costs to the process of closing on your new property — and if you don’t have the right help on your side, these delays can quickly balloon! That’s why it’s so important to consider the next factor… 

Your Agent

When getting ready to build a new construction home, many people think that they can save money by not getting a real estate agent involved. In this sense, they are similar to people who want to do a For Sale By Owner home sale — and just like someone selling their own house, they risk dangerously damaging their home construction experience! The fact of the matter is that having a real estate agent on your side is always a good idea when building a new construction home. An expert agent, one who specializes in your local market, will make the home building process far less stressful — here’s why: 

1. Introduce You To A Home Builder

 If you want to cut down on the potentially lengthy steps of interviewing home builders, then working with an agent will be invaluable. Any real estate agent who is worth your business will have relationships with high-quality home construction experts in your local market. They will be able to introduce you to the right builders and significantly cut down on the time you have to spend researching and interviewing. 

2. Help You Find the Right Lot

 Unsurprisingly, having a great real estate agent will make finding your home plot far easier. Not only will an agent be able to dedicate their full attention to locating the land that is perfect for your new home, but they can walk you through the process of closing on the lot so there are no unpleasant surprises along the way!

3. Take Care of Other Real Estate Needs

 It’s not incredibly common for people to build their first home. Usually, first-time home buyers will find a pre-existing house that fits, then move-up to a more valuable property or build a customized home once they outgrow their starter place.  So, unless you want to make common Move-Up buyer mistakes, it is vital that you work with a real estate agent when selling a home and building another. By having a dedicated, driven expert on your side, you can build a new home on a time frame that works perfectly for your schedule! Luckily for you, it has never been easier to find a high-quality real estate agent to help you build your dream home...because our award-winning agents are standing by to give you a hand! So if you are interested in learning more about how our team can help you learn how long it will take to build your house — or about how we will make the home building process as amazing as possible — then contact the Keri Shull Team today! Our new construction experts are ready to help you take the next steps, so just click here to schedule a time to speak with us!